The RAER Science
Addressing the whole body
RAER Therapeutics uses techniques that address the entire network of the patient’s body. Rather than simplifying the problem, RAER’s approach acknowledges the complexity of disease and seeks to shift the whole network toward health.

Approximately 1 in 1500 births have a genetic mutation that activates their RAS pathway. This causes developmental and intellectual delays and cancer. The clinical biomarker of RASopathy is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

Inherited TAUopathies are a group of brain disorders caused by changes in genes that affect a protein called TAU. These changes lead to abnormalities in TAU, which can harm nerve cells and result in problems such as memory loss, difficulties with thinking, and movement issues.
Our team is working with collaborators Alison Goate, Katherine Bowles and their colleagues to develop a new generation of TAUopathy therapies (manuscript in preparation). We are currently working to improve our lead compound.

adenoid cystic carcinoma
Adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) is a rare type of cancer that typically originates in glandular tissues, such as the salivary glands. Although it often grows slowly, it can infiltrate multiple sites around the body, putting patients at risk. Currently, no targeted therapies are approved for ACC.
Our platform reported a unique drug cocktail that showed significant partial response in a treatment-recalcitrant patient (Bangi et al, 2021)
RAER Therapeutics will use its cutting-edge methods to pursue leads for other rare disorders. Many patients with rare genetic diseases currently have no options or need more effective treatments.